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Wayfinder Concept


The wayfinder concept was an investigation in to the evolution of  philosophy and practice of mapmaking and cartography and its relationship to culture, art and visual information. I dug into research and philosophy of how unplanned city networks organize organically similar to cellular structures and systems in nature to how the type of fence attached to a residence shifts the perception of status. I pulled visual referenced from artists, thinkers and scientists to show the spectrum of the potentials. There is a deep pool of ideas related to the angles of perception, intent and meaning with regards to this concept. The goal was to spark thought and conversation around this age old method of innately biased “data visualization” and figure out how to apply it in a seasonal and ongoing way to textile design, graphics and visual communication. From this early presentation I then worked with the design team to concept an application for apparel and designed a series of prints flipping cartographic symbols and information into ideas around traditional ideas of shirting prints and textile genres.

I can talk about this one a lot. This floats my boat.


Role/Category - concept, art direction, textile design, existential beachcombing, design thinking 
